

Dolores Cannon, a past life regressionist, created the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, a powerful hypnosis method for exploring past lives and connecting to your Higher Consciousness for answers and healing.

Dolores’ technique involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualization. This state, under ordinary circumstances, is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you drift off and fall asleep.

What is QHHT

Through guided imagery, you will relax into an altered state. The Subconscious, also known as the higher consciousness, usually chooses to show an individual the past life that is most relevant and is typically still somehow affecting the current life the individual is living now. It is not uncommon for multiple past lives to be shown during a single session.

After experiencing the past lives, we establish direct communication with the Subconscious mind. From the Subconscious mind, we will receive understanding about the lives shown, answers, and advice on anything and everything we could think of to ask our higher selves, and we can receive healing on all levels for our greatest good.


Benefit from QHHT

It’s important to note that while Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and similar approaches aim to provide insights, healing, and clarity, the effectiveness can vary from person to person. Results may depend on factors such as individual openness, the specific nature of the issues being addressed, and the skill of the practitioner.

If you’re considering a QHHT session or any alternative healing method, it’s advisable to approach it with an open mind and a clear understanding of the process.  Always consult with healthcare professionals for any health-related concerns.

If you have specific questions about QHHT or related topics, feel free to ask!

Preparing for your session

When preparing for a QHHT session, it is important to set positive intentions for a beneficial experience. Positive intentions play a significant role in this type of work. An open mind is key! Anything is possible when doing QHHT.

You will need to prepare a list of questions to ask your Higher Consciousness (The Subconscious). We will be contacting your Higher Consciousness in the session, and it is crucial to have a list of questions for us to ask. The Higher Consciousness will answer all your whys, whats, and hows.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep:

Ensure you are well-rested before the session. Being tired can affect your ability to relax and go into a deep hypnotic state.

Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water before the session, but not so much that you need frequent bathroom breaks.

Eat Lightly:

Have a light meal before the session. Being too hungry or too full can be distracting.

Dress Comfortably:

Wear comfortable clothing to help you relax during the session.

Practice Relaxation Techniques:

Engage in relaxation exercises such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga to help calm your mind and body.

Stay Open-Minded:

Approach the session with an open mind and a willingness to explore whatever comes up. Trust the process and your practitioner.

Clear Your Schedule:

Make sure you have no pressing engagements or obligations immediately before or after the session so you can fully immerse yourself in the experience and have time to process afterward.

Please refrain from alcohol, drugs and caffeine for a few days before your session.

Pre-Session Preparation

Initial Conversation: We will spend some time talking with you to understand your background, the issues you want to address, and the questions you have prepared.

Setting Intentions: You and your practitioner will set clear intentions for the session, focusing on what you hope to achieve or learn.

Induction Phase

Relaxation: The session begins with relaxation techniques to help you enter a deeply relaxed state. This may include guided visualization and deep breathing exercises.

Hypnosis: We will guide you into a hypnotic state. This is a natural state of heightened awareness where you are deeply relaxed but still conscious.

Exploration Phase

Past Life Regression: You may be guided to explore past lives or other significant experiences. This part of the session aims to uncover memories that may hold answers or healing potential for your current life.

Higher Self Connection: After exploring past lives, we will guide you to connect with your higher self or subconscious mind. This is where you can ask the questions you prepared and receive insights and guidance.

Healing: Your higher self may offer healing, clearing emotional or physical blockages and providing a deeper understanding of your life’s challenges.

Post-Session Integration

Review and Discussion: After you come out of the hypnotic state, we will discuss the session with you, helping you to integrate and understand the experiences and messages you received.

Recording: We will record the session, allowing you to listen to it later and gain further insights.

What You Might Experience

Vivid Imagery: You might see, feel, or sense vivid images and experiences. These can range from past life scenes to symbolic representations.

Emotional Release: It is common to experience emotional release during the session. This can be a cathartic part of the healing process.

Physical Sensations: Some people report physical sensations, such as tingling or warmth, especially during the healing phase.

Profound Insights: You may receive answers to your questions, gain a deeper understanding of your life’s purpose, and experience profound spiritual insights.

Post-Session Effects

Heightened Awareness: Many people feel a heightened sense of awareness and clarity after the session.

Emotional Processing: You might continue to process emotions and experiences for days or even weeks after the session.

Physical Changes: Some people report physical improvements or a sense of increased well-being.

Continued Insights: Listening to the session recording can provide continued insights and deeper understanding.

Tips for After the Session

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help integrate the energies and experiences.

Rest: Allow yourself time to rest and reflect on the session.

Journal: Writing down your experiences and any insights can help you process and integrate the session.

Stay Open: Be open to ongoing insights and changes in your life.

A QHHT session can be a powerful tool for personal growth, healing, and spiritual exploration. Approaching the session with an open mind and heart can enhance the experience and the benefits you receive.

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